Keynotes & Staff Development
“Jean's keynote alone was worth the price of conference registration!”

Motivational Speaker and Award-Winning Author Jean Gatz Delivers!
Change Leadership Difficult People Communication Performance
Whether she’s speaking to healthcare, business and industry, government, education or associations, Jean’s timely topics are the most requested in today’s ever-changing market. With a laser-focus on proven strategies for leveraging change, building real skill as leaders and professionals, taking performance levels to new heights and of course, dealing with difficult people who impede the process, Jean brings real-life strategies and solutions to every audience — every time.
Her most requested topics are:
1. STAND OUT From the Crowd: How to build your personal brand to stand out among your peers
In today’s competitive world, the game has changed and the rules are different. “Business as usual” is no longer enough for organizations that want to out-think and out-perform the competition and be seen as a unique and valuable brand. The same is true for every employee and team member today. If you want to STAND OUT with the people you represent – inside and outside your organization – you must be able to answer this question:
What do you bring to the table that is so unique and so valuable that people will CHOOSE to be your colleague, coworker, employee, leader or follower?

This session is based on Jean’s award winning book, 10 Ways to STAND OUT from the Crowd, chosen as Best Business Book of the Year in the categories of leadership, management and career development.

2. STANDOUT Leadership: How to Influence Others and Change Outcomes to Get the Results You Need
Your role as a leader isn’t defined by your title or credentials, but by your ability to influence others in a positive way. As you face the never-ending challenges of change in technology, the economy and your industry, along with more demanding customers and competition from every side, it’s clear that “Leadership as Usual” is no longer enough! As your leadership role continues to evolve in the midst of change, you must re-think your choices to model the attitudes and behaviors you expect from those you lead. Are you seen as the leader successful people are proud to follow?

Based on Jean’s award winning book, 10 Ways to STAND OUT from the Crowd, (chosen as Best Business Book of the Year in the categories of leadership, management and career development) this session can qualify for education credits towards various designations within your organization.

3. I Already Took a Pain Pill, So Why Are You Still Here?
How to Deal with Difficult People and Reduce Conflict
While you might be tempted to ask the above question to the difficult people on your team, you already know that’s not a very wise career move! Maintaining healthy relationships at work and at home means being accountable for our behavior while holding others accountable for theirs.

While we don’t like to admit it, sometimes the trouble we find ourselves in can be of our own making. We may unintentionally contribute to conflict and “create” difficult people who didn’t plan on being difficult until they had to interact with us! You will leave this session with your Personal Action Plan to deal with difficult people – without becoming one.

4. STANDOUT Presentation Skills: Speak with Confidence to Get Results
No matter how large or small the audience in front of you, your skills as a speaker can make a huge difference in getting the outcome you want. In fact, your ability to get your message across to the right people is critical to your success. Your speaking skills (or lack thereof) can even impact your career advancement.
So… what do you need to know before you speak? Who is in your audience and why are they there to hear you? What are their expectations? How do they feel about your message? What are their varied listening styles and how can you make sure they don’t “tune you out”? Are you there to educate, inform, persuade, change mindsets – or all of the above? These are just a few of the questions you must ask and answer BEFORE you speak! And long before THAT moment, you must have a plan in place to prepare, organize, develop and deliver a dynamic presentation – every single time.
In this session Jean Gatz, an internationally known keynote speaker who receives some of the highest ratings of any speaker at every conference, will teach you the insider secrets of highly successful presenters.
Based on the time frame for the breakout or workshop, Jean will help you create a plan to: research your audience to connect with everyone, organize yourself and your material, create dynamic openings and closings, craft personal stories with universal themes to reinforce your message and get the “buy-in” you need to achieve results. Gain the skills to plan, prepare, organize, develop and deliver a dynamic presentation – every single time.
Jean can also come into your organization and work with your team as a group, or with individuals who need to develop and deliver dynamic presentations.
Don’t see what you’re looking for?
Contact Jean today to discuss customizing a keynote that is just right for your audience.
Want Your Next Event to STANDOUT?
Contact Info
Want to talk with Jean about your upcoming event? Interested in checking date availability?
Jean Gatz, CSP
phone: 225.907.4138

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