“Jean's keynote alone was worth the price of conference registration!”

Using the Power of Stories to Connect
Jean was honored to present on the main stage for her colleagues in the National Speakers Association at their annual convention. The title of the general session was “Moments with the Masters.” Jean was chosen because she truly IS a master of creating original stories to connect with every audience. Using one of her “signature stories” Jean took her audience “behind the scenes” to show them how stories can enhance a speaker’s credibility and have a significant impact on every audience – no matter who they are and what they do.
Voices of Experience: audio interview with Jean Gatz
Jean was interviewed before her presentation on the main stage for NSA’s annual convention. In this audio interview Jean explains how she finds stories in everyday life and incorporates them into her keynotes and workshops to help her audiences meet the challenges of work and life.
Jean explains why stories are so important in presentations that really stand out from the crowd.
There’s no doubt that the ability to “tell a good story” can positively impact your career. If you’re not a natural-born storyteller, however, there’s good news! Although storytelling is an art, it’s also a learned skill. This means that speakers, trainers, consultants and business professionals can learn how to discover, develop and deliver powerful stories to reinforce their message and connect with every audience.
Why do stories work so well? In today’s highly stressed and competitive world, most people are on “information overload.” Your skills as a storyteller can help your audience use the universal wisdom from your story to apply their knowledge and skills more effectively in their personal and professional lives. Whether you’re presenting to a small group, an audience of thousands, or somewhere in between, stories can create tremendous impact.
Now you might be thinking, “I don’t have any stories. Nothing ever happens to me!” As Jean reassures her coaching clients, “If you live your life, pay attention, and take good notes, you’ll have all the stories you’ll ever need!”
When you’re ready to add or refine stories in your presentations, Jean can help you:
- Find significant moments in your life to craft into powerful stories
- Develop a structure and format for every story
- Organize each story so it flows logically and is easy to follow
- Find the universal theme of each story to connect with every audience
- Create a picture and bring your audience into that picture with you
- Avoid the 7 mistakes that reduce your story’s impact
- Learn how to adapt your most powerful stories for different audiences
- Create “AHA” moments that resonate with every audience as you show them how to apply your concepts to their daily challenges
How it works:
When you’re ready to take your storytelling skills to the next level, Jean can coach you individually or as part of a small group. Participating in a group provides you the experience of being individually coached and then learning even more by watching as others are coached. You can travel to Baton Rouge or Jean can travel to your location.
Whichever option you choose, you can rest assured that Jean will take you through the coaching process in a stress-free, supportive and encouraging way. If you’re ready to impact your career and uncover your stories, call Jean at 225-907-4138 or email Jean.
In their words:
“Jean has the masterful ability to analyze presentations, uncover the essential messages, and then develop the best way to convey them with inspiration, flair, and impact. She’s immensely talented, makes the complex clear and easy to understand, and is generous and patient through the process. Her coaching has made a profound difference in my speaking career.”
Larry Kryske, Your Finest Hour keynotes and seminars
“You clearly have a real talent to analyze why stories work so well.”
Dr. John Paling, The Risk Communication Institute
“Jean’s ability to draw humor and learning from past mishaps is a true gift.”
Francis Bologna, CPA
“Jean, you’re an awesome storyteller, and your coaching was right on target. The tweaking and subtleties you added helped me to really connect with my audience. People stood around for 45 minutes to tell me how much they enjoyed my presentation and to share their stories.”
Cathy Harris, speaker and consultant, diversity and communication
Contact Info
Want to talk with Jean about your upcoming event? Interested in checking date availability?
Jean Gatz, CSP
phone: 225.907.4138

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