Leadership Skills are Life Skills!

How to Lead So Others Will Follow – Tip # 8Leadership and Life Skills

by Jean Gatz, Motivational Keynote Speaker
Where can STANDOUT Leadership take you? The answer is simple. On the Road of Life, the Leadership skills we’ve covered in this blog series are LIFE skills that can take you wherever you want to go! So here’s what else you need to know!

Good leaders are versatile. They use their unique combination of strengths and learned skills to positively impact every area of their personal and professional lives. Leadership is a strong part of their personality and shines through in everything they do and with every person they meet.

Good leaders are great role models. They realize that the opportunity to impact people in a positive way exists in every situation, relationship, job and activity. Therefore, they always do their very best to model the behavior, attitudes and values that others would choose to imitate. They are constantly looking for ways to be better leaders, better people and better influencers.

Since this is Week 8 in this STANDOUT Leadership series, you now have a list of leadership strengths to keep in mind when you are thinking about your own ability to influence others in a positive way. They are also some of the traits you should look for when choosing the people you want to influence you.

And here’s the best part. All of the work and effort you put into developing your leadership skills will extend far beyond the workplace. You have opportunities to exhibit good leadership skills every day.

Think about the CHOICES you make about how you live your life, communicate, act, respond, handle change, deal with stress, negotiate, cope with difficult people and work with a team. These choices all reflect your character and represent your core values and beliefs to others.

Do you live the kind of life that others would choose to imitate, follow and respect? If so, then you are an INFLUENTIAL person.

Remember: LEADERSHIP SKILLS ARE LIFE SKILLS that apply in all areas of your life!

Keep reading to identify your own leadership strengths from the list we’ve discussed. Then make sure you look for these key elements in others and model them in your own life if you want your leadership style and skills to set you apart and help you STAND OUT from the crowd!

And if you missed any tips from previous weeks, click here to catch up.

As you look at this list of traits and think about the various leadership roles you hold in your organization, your family, friendships, community, church and volunteer committees, indicate which leadership traits describe you.

Good Leaders:

____ Work hard and make sacrifices for themselves and others
____ Stay focused on goals
____ Keep challenges in perspective
____ Commit to lifelong learning
____ Integrate excellence into everything they do
____ Serve as a teacher and mentor for others
____ Are willing to follow as well as lead
____ Can be counted on to do what they say they will do
____ Have a sense of pride in themselves and their accomplishments
____ Are trustworthy, ethical and act with integrity at all times

Which of these is your strongest area?

Which of these is your weakest area?

What can you do to improve?

Want to be the BEST Leader that people would like to follow?  Learn more in my all new Leadership eBook today! 


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